Monday, February 23, 2009


so i took a nap.

this dream took place in a house and the place kind of reminded me of the philippine bc there was a part when i was outside of the house and it reminded me of the streets in the PI. i don't remember how the dream started or wat parts happened when, but i'll try to keep it in chronological order.

the part that i remember first happening tho took place in the 8 i think tho. or somewhere similar. i was there with some people and i noticed people crowding around an area and so i went to check and there was a spider on one of the counters. i didn't think anything of it at first bc it seemed like a small spider, but when someone passed by they tripped on something. that's when i noticed it had super long legs and it freaked me out. i was sort of fascinated by it tho bc its legs were so long, and then i had a flash back of a similar spider but the legs weren't as long as that one. i took a closer look and the thing the girl tripped on weren't really the spider's legs, they were juss long stringish things that were nailed onto the counter close to the spider so that it appeared like its legs. after that i decided to keep walking around. he was with wayne, jun eric and nancy. i went to where they were but they started heading outside. i got outside and called out to them and asked them where they were going. jun eric said that they were gonna go somewhere but billy wasn't going with them. jun eric and them got in wayne's car and left and me and billy start walking up the street. this boy comes up to us and he's got a basketball in hand and asks if we want to play. billy seemed really excited but i said that i didn't want to play. billy and my friend phu started talking but the boy tries to follow me as i move out of the way behind some cars on the sidewalk and says that i have to play with them bc they weren't even. then i look up and see that phu and billy were in a car and billy says that he's heading up with phu and they juss drove off. so i was trying to get away to go follow them but this big guy comes and asks why i was behind the car, and this other guy comes up and asks if i wanted to play ball but i said no and i kind of inched away as the big guy and the boy start talking to each other.

as i was walking to where ever billy was i was sad bc he had left me with that boy i didn't kno and didn't even stop phu to let me get in the car. then i got a text message and it was from him, but i don't remember wat was on it. i got to his place and he was juss on his computer, he said hi and went on looking at his comp so i went on my laptop. he sent me a link to one of his sites that looked kinda like a blogging/journal site. then he asked if i had one so that he could stalk me on it. i told him i didn't have one and asked him wat it was. he started coming towards me and he tried to explain it to me, and it looked like a game to me. then we heard his mom calling him and he decides to hide under the blanket where i was. she comes opens the door and peeps in to see if billy was there with me, and i figured she would see him under the covers, but she didn't. he popped out and she asked if he showered yet so he could start getting ready for the debut he had to go to. he said no and left to go. i juss stayed in the room and waited. when he came back his mom came back to talk to him. i don't remember wat they were talking about. but all the while i was thinking to myself, "am i not invited? should i juss stay here? should i leave?" i decided to leave so that i wouldn't have to be at the house alone. so i told them i had somewhere i had to go to and left.

the next thing i knew i was at eric's place with karen. we were looking for movies to watch and all juss chatting. i looked at the time and told them that maybe i won't go see the movie with them since it was getting late and that i'd juss go back to billy's since he'll be home anyway. so me, eric and karen start walking outside and it was me and eric walking together while karen was behind us. i noticed that so i slowed down a little so that i was walking with karen. eric kinda slowed down to so that we were all walking together. when we got to billy's place i said bye to them and hoped they would enjoy the movie. i went inside the house....that's when i started waking up. i don't remember anything after that.

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